HERACLES Group company LAVA SA obtained an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on pumice

Περιβαλλοντική Δήλωση Προϊόντος (EPD) στην ελαφρόπετρα αποκτά η ΛΑΒΑ του Ομίλου ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ

This is a verified declaration that reflects the company’s long-standing contribution and commitment to sustainable development


LAVA Mining & Quarrying Company, a member of HERACLES Group, with a long- standing commitment to sustainable development and the vision of the industry’s “green” transformation, has obtained an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on pumice, which is quarried on the island of Giali and is an environmentally friendly and chemically inert mineral.

Continuing its unabated efforts to adopt initiatives that accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy, LAVA has an Environmental Product Declaration that complies with ISO 14025 and EN 15804, verified by an independent accredited body and published in the most widespread EPD Program, the International EPD System.

For the preparation of the Environmental Product Declaration on pumice, the company performed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study, the results of which demonstrate that LAVA’s pumice is the optimal solution for sustainable construction with improved environmental footprint, especially for projects with bioclimatic design that seek to be certified with the leading international building eco-labels (e.g. LEED, BREEAM).

Note that the HERACLES Group is the first cement company in Greece to have Environmental Product Declarations for all types of cement produced in its plants in Volos and Milaki, Evia.

According to Mr Lefteris Christoforakis, Director, LAVA & Aggregates Operations, “at LAVA, the continuous improvement of our environmental footprint is reflected in our principles, is consistently at the core of our strategy and guides the entire spectrum of our business activities. The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on pumice is an extremely important initiative, which not only fully anticipates and responds to the constantly evolving needs of our customers, but is also expected to accelerate the transition to more sustainable constructions, and a climate-neutral and circular economy”.